Tuesday 7 June 2016

Video Game Day 1: The Future Part 1

     The world of Fallout is vastly different from the world of The Walking Dead. Fallout focuses around the world after a nuclear apocalypse caused by a war with the Chinese communists, following a pre-war survivor. The Walking Dead, however, focuses on a world that is in the midst of a zombie plague following a group of survivors. Of the two, I think The Walking Dead is more likely in the way of a possible future for us. The world of The Walking Dead is a lot closer to home as it takes place in a world identical to ours in the early 21st century, often making cultural references that are contemporary in our world. Fallout, however, is set in a world that is 200 years in the future in a universe split off from our universe. The people in The Walking Dead, save for the zombies, are also not really that different from us. They don't have special powers, their just normal people with guns. In Fallout the people aren't totally the same. Many of them have mutations and deformities even so far as to become ghouls leaving them a far cry from us. What Fallout has over The Walking Dead in realistic possibility is how the apocalypse started. The Fallout universe came about via nuclear war, which is a far more realistic apocalypse in our world. The Walking Dead, on the other hand, is in a world caused by an unexplained zombie apocalypse, which is significantly more unrealistic than nuclear detonation. Overall, the world of The Walking Dead is more realistic as a future for us but Fallout does have some realistic elements.

B: Is Music and Atmosphere Important to Video Games?
     In a game like Fallout, music and atmosphere are proven to be immensely important. Games about the future like Fallout often rely immensely on world building and music and atmosphere play a key role in that. The world-building is issued to immerse the player within the new world created. A good soundtrack helps effectively immerse the player and help them get in the mood of the world. This also helps establish a good atmosphere that the player can lose them self to. Fallout achieves this by using a weighty, well-constructed soundtrack and highly immersive atmosphere. Overall this improves the gameplay experience and makes Fallout more enjoyable to play, proving its importance to the game.

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