Sunday 19 June 2016

The Future Summative: Project Integration

     The following transcribed are the journal entries of one Douglas "Razor" Adams, a 'raider' here in The Commonwealth that we here at The Institute have been monitoring and have selected for "replacement" in order to better collect information on these savage gangs running in the city above. These logs, along with additional data on Adams are to be uploaded into unit X7-89 before deployment to ensure maximum effectiveness.


[October 21 2287]

Whoo! We're rollin in guns now, baby! Caught some caravan heading toward Diamond City and boy they were packin! Dumbasses didn't even see us coming. With this we'll be sittin pretty for a while, no need to worry about any Diamond City assholes giving us trouble. Can't wait till I can rub this in that asshat Jared up at Corvega's face. 

Might as well go meet up with Knocker and Rintin while the party's still going to celebrate.

{X7-89: Make note of any and all of Allen's 'relationships' with other 'raiders'}

[October 25 2287]

Hadn't heard anything from Jared or anyone up at Corvega for about two weeks so Rintin, me, and a few of the other boys went to go scope it out. The whole place was dead. Literally. Somebody went and cleared the whole place out. Even Jared was laying there gathering flies next to what was left of those stupid turrets of his. 

Whatever. Serves the bastards right.

We otta keep an eye out just to be sure, I don't want my ass to be next in the fire and whoever could just roll up and wipe Jared and his crew out must have a lot of firepower.

[October 30 2287]

Man, Carrey's got a wicked punch. Nice ass though.

Haven't heard anything about whoever ganked Jared and his crew. Figure we should be safe for now, with all these guns we have from that caravan, I figure we'll be fine. Should scope out some more hits soon, though. My stash is running low and no fuckin way I'm gonna go without my Jet fix.

Saw some crackpot running around earlier screaming about "The Institute" and how they're going to replace us all with robots or some shit. What a load of crap. Knocker, Rintin, and me spent an hour taking potshots at him from the wall till we got bored.

Fuckin crazies.

{Subject and his cohorts have no knowledge of Institute activities on the surface. This will prove useful.}

[November 5 2087]

So, get this. Word is, Jared and his crew weren't iced by some group like those glorified doormen over at Diamond City. Nope.

Word is it was one person. Some chick and her dog, apparently. Don't know if I believe it, but Jared always was a pussy so maybe it is true. Last I heard is that she was seen goin from Diamond City heading towards Goodneighbor. 

If it is true, that bitch had better not burn that place to the ground or whatever. I need Fred alive in case my stash gets too low. Hopefully she'll just stir up trouble and that mayor Hancock'll ice her. Until then, if she stays outta me and my boys' territory, she can keep her pretty little head.

{Subject seems to be hostile towards Father's 'special guest'. Make note.}

[November 9 2087]

What the hell is this!? First that crazy chick that whacked Jared and now the fucking Brotherhood of Steel are here!? With some giant ass blimp hovering over the city!? This place is nuts. 

Whatever's going on, thank god those Brotherhood dicks are staying out of the city for the most part. It's bad enough dealing with all the damn mutants around and the occasional Deathclaw eating one of my boys. I don't want to have to deal with that crap too. 

Maybe I'll put more boys on watch from now on just in case.

{Subject seems to be hostile toward the Brotherhood of Steel. Subject seems, in fact, to be hostile toward anything that is not another 'raider' within his 'gang'. Make note.}


Take all data above and load it into the package to be uploaded to X7-89. After upload, prepare for deployment and make a copy of all data and reports to be sent to Father. 

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